Full member
As a full member you must:
- agree to be bound by the NCJV code of ethics
- hold professional indemnity insurance if joining after 1 January 2005
- provide evidence that you are a qualified valuer with an acceptable accredited qualification. This might include one of the following:
- NCJV approved training
- a recognised industry qualification showing you are competent in valuing procedures within a designated specialist category
- a Diploma of Gem (Valuation) from the Gemmological Association of Australia prior to 2008 (this qualification is no longer available)
- a Diploma of Applied Gemmology (Valuation)
- undertake training updates as determined by the NCJV board and published on our website
- provide NCJV with updated information in order to ensure continuity of eligibility
- agree to keep up-to-date with technical information provided by NCJV.
Business member
An individual trading under a business name, company, trust, partnership or other trading entity can apply to become a business member.
To qualify you must:
- have a registered business name which is incorporated where applicable
- hold professional indemnity insurance if joining after 1 January 2005
- have a full NCJV member in the business who is either a working principal or an employee
- agree to be bound by the NCJV code of ethics
- not make any representations on behalf of NCJV or conduct yourself as its agent
- notify the NCJV of any changes that may affect your eligibility
- complete educational updates as determined by the board and published on our website.
As a business member you can also apply to have your website linked with the NCJV website providing you:
- pay any prescribed fees
- comply with NCJV’s terms and conditions
- place any necessary notices or disclaimers requested by the NCJV
- keep the website updated.
After payment of the first full member and business member fees, you will be entitled to a discount on all other full member fees paid in relation to the business.
Sponsored member
To be eligible for sponsored membership you must:
- have a signed service agreement showing you work with a full member or business member
- only use the independent valuations for the purpose for which they were provided
- comply with any laws or regulations relating to the member’s business
- use only the services of a qualified NCJV register valuer™ when conducting jewellery valuations.
Affiliate member
As an affiliate member you have no voting rights and cannot use the NCJV seal.
Upon written application and the payment of prescribed fees, affiliate members can have their website linked to NCJV’s site providing it is approved. However, there is no automatic entitlement for a link and you must comply with all the terms and conditions.